Published by Millbrook Press (Tm) on September 3, 2019
ISBN: 1541561929
Pages: 32
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

This is a non-fiction picture book for readers in grades pre-k to 2nd. Beautiful nature pictures showing how various plants and animals survive the cold temperatures. There are varying degrees of hibernation or dormancy which are explained in almost rhythmic prose such as “waiting, resting” or “you would pause.” Bears, trees, ladybugs and unusual ones like chickadees and an alligator are also pictured. The large font and rhythmic prose makes this a useful non-fiction choice for preschool story times and browsing. The back matter includes a full page explanation of Dormancy differences: Plant, Diapause, Hibernation, Torpor, Brumation and Estivation, as well as book recommendations and websites, although bibliography information is not provided.
Review by Sheila Dube, Youth Services Librarian, Springvale Public Library