Published by Aladdin on May 18, 2021
ISBN: 1534499652
Pages: 352
Genres: Historical Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Liz Kessler, author of the Emily Windsnap series takes readers in a totally different direction in her new book When the world Was Ours. Inspired by a true family story, she introduces the three main characters living in Austria just as Hitler is coming to power. Leo, Elsa and Max are the three young friends who have been best friends forever. the story opens in 1936 and Leo has invited Max and Elsa to his ninth birthday, a day at the Vienna Ferris wheel, the Riesenrad. Little do they know that after this day, their lives will never be the same- ever.
Leo and Elsa are Jewish and as the reader reads each chapter-the years that follow , they are in the classroom where they ae asked to sit in the back, friends told that they are to shun them, and they don’t understand why. The reader follows the fear, humiliation and then terror of what their lives become as Hitler rises to power. Max’s family on the other hand rises in stature and position as they embrace the new rule, though Max wanting to please a father that is disappointed in him, struggles to do what is expected of him as a Hitler youth.
This is a hard book to read. Kessler writing hits hard and she does not hold back in its reality. The friends do not live happily ever after and when the horror of the war is over, their families are forever changed, as is the world.
There are many, many stories of the war and the holocaust, but somehow this one is different, it leaves an impression on the reader and there are pieces of it that one could be reading in todays news.
Cream of the Crop
suggested reading level-grades 4and up
Reviewed by Kathy George
Gray Public Library, Gray Maine