on May 21, 2024
ISBN: 0593650956
Genres: Adventure, Romance
Format: Young Adult

Wild About You by Kaitlyn Hill is a grumpy/sunshine, forced proximity (only one tent), opposites attract, annoyances-to-lovers reality show romance that is very aware of its tropes. The protagonist, Natalie Hart, is a bubbly, make-up loving, romance reading, aspiring actress who recently lost her college scholarship due to her worsening anxiety. She is paired in an “Amazing Race” style show with the curt, nature-loving Finn, who was planning to do the show with his recently deceased father. The two immediately clash when Finn doesn’t take her seriously as a partner, but as real world stressors are revealed (finances, grief, mental health) the characters form an organic friendship that turns into a sweet & supportive relationship.
Kaitlyn Hill is known for her reality show romances and fans of this sub-genre will enjoy the “behind the scenes” scenes. This title is good for aspirational YA readers who want a more mature romance, but aren’t ready for the content in adult romance. The characters are 19, in college, and though they share a bed for most of the novel, the physical contact doesn’t get past heated kissing on the page.
Wild About You has good character growth, but maximizing tropes clearly steered the plot development. Because this will only be enjoyed by a specific kind of romance reader, it is not a necessary purchase.
Reviewed by Ivy Burns, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth