Published by Imprint on August 7th 2018
ISBN: 1250109744
Pages: 208

Leilani is obsessed with The Haileys, six popular girls at her school all named some variation of Hailey. She is convinced that by inviting them to a sleepover she will instantly be “in.” Her best friend Amber is decidedly not a fan of this plan but stays quiet as is her way. While creating her invitation list, Leilani also adds a column “to NOT invite” after of day of difficult encounters with her cousin, a girl she thinks is bullying her and a new neighbor who refuses to speak to her. Asking her Hawaiian grandmother, Tutu, to help her mail out her invitations, Leilani’s carefully (and desperately) crafted plans quickly unravel. Thus begins the comical adventures of one crazy night, a group of not-to-be invited guests and a conniving grandmother all turning Leilani’s luau sleepover into a bust. Tutu makes a batch of Sleepover Soup and leaves instructions that each person needs to add a special ingredient for a wish to come true. Leilani’s not-Hailey party head out on a scavenger hunt for items to add to the soup and find that despite not being friends before the sleepover that they are growing to appreciate one another. A very honest look at how difficult it is to be a good friend and how many layers deep it may take to get to really understand one another. An excellent middle school story free of any cringeworthy cattiness.
Reviewed by Suzanne Dix, Westbrook Middle School, Westbrook