Published by HarperTeen on March 30, 2021
ISBN: 0062693190
Pages: 336
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

With You All the Way
At the start of this book it seemed to be all about sex and “first times”, but at continued reading it was broadened to be relationships between: sisters, friends, parents, step-parents, and colleagues. Ada is the main character who, at sixteen, is concerned that her beloved step-father may be leaving the family and that she may never experience sex. Her family is heading for a conference of thoracic surgeons where her mother will be presenting an award and the family will get a vacation in Hawaii.
The author had been to a similar conference and it was easy to relate to.
Throughout Ada believes that her mother is having an affair, (not true). There are misunderstandings throughout. I especially loved that when Ada said “No” to sex to both her former boyfriend and friend Nick they both respected her decisions. The characters were well-defined and their interactions were believable. I especially liked Ada’s many preparations for first-time sex.
This book is recommended for older YAs.
Reviewed by Ellen Spring, Oceanside High School, Rockland