on March 17, 2020
ISBN: 0062940988
Pages: 88
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Grace lives next door to her Aunt Lily and spends a great deal of time with her as her parents, both doctors are often busy. Aunt Lily is a writer and Grace loves that writer’s world, the words her aunt has introduced to her, the stories her aunt has shared with her, her aunt’s writing group even the snacks served at writer’s group. With her vocabulary, Grace’s teacher urges her to use those words in a story, but Grace feels she is no writer, her journal remains empty. When Aunt Lily falls prey to writer’s block, she puts a notice in the post office, the grocery bulletin and online- “wanted, an assistant, a coach, a helper, for inspiration and a bit of magic.” a magician appears the next day with Rex- his dog also in need of something new. Rex changes their lives.
The story invites the reader into a simple, magical story of the love of words and stories, and that each of us has a poem or story that needs to be written even if we don’t think we have it in us.
It is a good story that brings a smile to the reader, you want to live next to Lily and Grace and share in their love of story and Rex.
Patricia Maclachlan has again offered a story to be enjoyed by readers of all ages but is especially for those readers new to the chapter book format. As she did in the Poet’sDog, My Father’sWords, Waitingfor Magic, and Word After Word After Word, she has written a bit of magic for us to share.
submitted by Kathy George
Gray Public Library, Gray Me