ISBN: 1580896863
Format: Chapter Book Nonfiction

In typical Griffin-Burns style, this citizen science book invites the reader to become a moth scientist! The photos are up close and personal, with everything moth! Local moth scientists are given all the tools and equipment needed to set up their own moth laboratory, both inside and out. The project includes creating an outdoor light station to lure local moths to be studied. Step by step our young scientists are led through the process to entice moths to come .Make moth snacks ( rotten bananas, mixed with brown sugar) to brush on backyard trees, hang a sheet between two trees with an ultraviolet collecting light set behind it and a few other instruments and then just wait till dark. The text is written simply and accurately for young scientists and coupled with incredible photos this is an excellent STEM book to be used in summer. There is an author’s note and photographer’s note in the back with a glossary and added resources to make this book the complete STEM offering.
Submitted by Kathy George, Gray Public Library
Grades 2 and up
consider for Crm