Published by Walker Books US on January 21, 2021
ISBN: 1536207489
Pages: 336
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

As the second in a trilogy this book was an interesting and adventurous read. This reader would have benefited by previewing The Good Hawk first as the storyline of The Broken Raven is a continuation of the first book of the trilogy. Three teen characters learn to think for themselves as they fight the royal and local authority who threaten the existence of their clan. Their cunning and bravery are beyond question as is their loyalty. The existence of dangerous shadow figures leads to challenging battles sure to please grade 7-9 fantasy readers. As inviting as the plot sounds the storyline is propelled into another realm via the use of some Gaelic and local dialect.
Public libraries and middle school media centers who collect fantasy will want both the first and second title in the Shadow Skye Trilogy. Students will be anxious for the third title to arrive. Older fantasy readers may also be interested in this trilogy, many adults peruse titles on YA shelves. Readers of all ages will notice that heroes within the pages possess various abilities. This is a welcome addition to fantasy collections.
Submitted by Jan Hamilton, retired youth services librarian in Scarborough, ME.