Tooth Fairy in Training

Tooth Fairy in TrainingTooth Fairy in Training by Briony May Smith, Michelle Robinson
on June 6, 2019
ISBN: 1536209392
Genres: Fantasy
Format: Picture Book Fiction

Are fairies still super popular? They were all the rage here for a while but now unicorns and mermaids are what the kids are reading. It doesn’t really matter; this is a cute book and will appeal to fairy fans and kids of tooth-losing ages. Tate, a small fairy, is brought on a frantic, cross-species, one night training mission by her older sister. The illustrations are pretty and some border on the kind of creepy that intrigues kids. Some of the animals are not into having their teeth taken but most are pleased to let them go in this good natured story.

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library, Bath
