Published by Kids Can Press on October 6, 2020
ISBN: 1525301519
Pages: 40
Format: Picture Book Fiction

There’s a boy who likes to walk in the forest, and one day, he comes across an alligator. The alligator is stuck in a twisty vine so the boy brings the alligator food. Once he’s able to free the alligator, it comes to his house in the night because it’s lonely. The boy and the alligator become friends and eventually, the townspeople warm up to him too….except the mayor.
This is a sweet story of community, friendship, and how we treat those that are different from us. The story is a bit long so it’s better for a bit older readers, and there’s the implication that the mayor gets eaten. Sensitive kids might find that part scary. The illustrations are colorful, detailed, and will engage young readers. Recommended for readers 4 and up.
Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME