The Creepening of Dogwood House

The Creepening of Dogwood HouseThe Creepening of Dogwood House by Eden Royce
Published by Walden Pond Press on July 30, 2024
ISBN: 006325140X
Pages: 257
Genres: Horror, Suspense
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

An atmospheric Southern Gothic horror novel for middle grade readers. Roddie has lost his mother in a car accident and is bereft. He has been remanded to the state to wait for his mother’s next of kin to claim him. This happens to be his mother’s sister, Aunt Angie along with her husband Erik. The two become his guardians and who move him to his mother’s childhood home Dogwood House, which has been vacant and is in disrepair. Roddie never heard his mother mention this house or that  she fled from it when she was a young woman. But something is definitely not right in this creepy place. With a deft hand, Royce takes us along with Roddie as he is pulled into the dark horror of the creature who feeds off hair and takes over the memories of those it steals from. Strong adult characters who care for and listen to Roddie, along with a strong sense of place, make this hoo-doo-infused narrative a satisfyingly chilling read.

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Falmouth Elementary School



GrayGray by Laura Dockrill, Lauren Child
Published by Candlewick Press on May 7, 2024
ISBN: 1536235466
Genres: Emotions & Feelings
Format: Picture Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

“It’s OK to feel gray. You don’t have to feel bright every day.”

A child awakes in a gray mood, feeling as though all the color has drained from their world. Through the course of the book, emotions are equated with different colors. By the end of the book, the child realizes all the other colors are still inside of them, even when they can only see the gray. Also, their mother will always love them, no matter what color they are feeling. Lauren Child’s full-page, mixed-media, crayon-like illustrations also have various cut-outs that work beautifully to transition the images from one page to the next.

Reviewed by Crystal Wilder, University of Southern Maine, Gorham Campus Library


Tomorrow’s Lily

Tomorrow’s LilyTomorrow's Lily by Chris Raschka
Published by Greenwillow Books on 2024
ISBN: 0063049376
Genres: Animals, Emotions & Feelings
Format: Picture Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

Very large font and slightly abstract watercolor illustrations are the hallmarks of this simple book about hope and remembrance. With a different lily illustrated and described for each day of the week, often accompanied by charming little animals, the book describes how lilies only bloom for one day but last in our memories forever, just as friends do. Lacking in plot, but pretty to look at, this books is written and illustrated by two-time Caldecott winner Chris Raschka. Recommended for 4-8 year-olds.

Reviewed by Crystal Wilder, University of Southern Maine, Gorham Campus Library


The Shape of Things: How Mapmakers Picture Our World

The Shape of Things: How Mapmakers Picture Our WorldThe Shape of Things: How Mapmakers Picture Our World by Dean Robbins, Matt Tavares
Published by Alfred A. Knopf on August 20, 2024
ISBN: 0593479254
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction
Source: MSL Book Review

With simple, straightforward text and realistic drawings this book tells the story of mapmaking from cave drawings and bone carvings to modern satellite imagery. It includes numerous types of maps such as papyrus, stone tablets, papier-mache globes, and computer-generated maps. The author also explains how mapmaking has evolved from trying to record what could be directly observed about the physical world, to using compasses and theodolites, to using satellites and lasers. The end of the book includes a timeline with very helpful illustrations, notes, lists of information about mapmakers, and a bibliography. The illustrator, Matt Tavares, lives in Maine.

Recommended for 4-8 year-olds, this book would make an attractive, informative introduction for young readers interested in cartography.

Reviewed by Crystal Wilder, University of Southern Maine, Gorham Campus Library


It’s Not Easy Being a Ghost

It’s Not Easy Being a GhostIt's Not Easy Being A Ghost: A Silly, Spooky Book for Kids and Toddlers by Marilyn Sadler, Stephanie Laberis
Published by Random House on 2024
ISBN: 0593702905
Genres: Emotions & Feelings, Fantasy, Holiday
Format: Picture Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

Misty, an adorable kitty-shaped ghost, is miserable because she isn’t a “scary” ghost. With her bat friend accompanying her, she tries to dress up as a mummy, fly a broom like a witch, and howl at the moon with the werewolves, but something goes wrong every time. She goes home, feeling more dejected than ever. Then she receives a Halloween party invitation and decides to attend as herself, because she has failed at everything else. To her great surprise, all her friends scream with delight when she arrives. It seems they were all impressed with her efforts to be like them. Misty finally realizes she’s perfect just the way she is… and so are all her friends!

This boldly colored, digitally illustrated book is recommended for 3-7 year-olds.  It would be a fun read-aloud, especially for Halloween and to bolster children’s self-esteem.

Reviewed by Crystal Wilder, University of Southern Maine, Gorham Campus Library.


London – A History

London – A HistoryLondon: A History by Laura Carlin
ISBN: 1536231436
Genres: Non-Fiction
Format: Nonfiction
Source: MSL Book Review

“London – A History” is a large non-fiction history book by illustrator Laura Carlin. Featuring art on every page, Carlin explores London’s history (even before it was London) in short paragraphs with occasional quotes. Spanning the Pleistocene through the death of of Queen Elizabeth II in 22, this book would be a good gift for art enthusiasts who enjoy British history. The art is interesting and was inspired by a visit to the British Museum. In the back are notes on further history in London. This would be a fun coffee table book, but I think it fits more in an art section for adults than for children.

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ME.

Love Requires Chocolate

Love Requires Chocolate

Love Requires Chocolate by Ravynn K. Stringfield
on August 20, 2024
ISBN: 0593571541
Genres: Romance
Format: Chapter Book Fiction, Young Adult
Source: MSL Book Review

“Love Requires Chocolate” is a YA romance novel by Ravynn K. Stringfield. Whitney is a Black American teen who is doing a semester abroad in Paris. She has a huge list of must-dos while she is there, as well as creating a play about her idol, Josephine Baker. Things aren’t shaping up the way she pictured: her roommates are standoffish and her French tutor, an older French teen, Thierry, is grumpy and only doing it to end his suspension from the soccer team. They strike a bargain where Thierry will help her with her list and she will give him a good review to have him reinstated. Lots of fun scenes where we learn about Paris. I enjoyed Stringfield’s attention to the Black history of Paris. Some parts of the plot seem a bit rushed, but the book is a happy and engaging romance. An additional purchase for YA romance collections.

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ME.


Brown Bears

Brown BearsBrown Bears by Colleen Larmour, Nick Crumpton
Published by Candlewick Press ISBN: 1536238775
Genres: Animals, Non-Fiction
Format: Picture Book Nonfiction

Brown Bears, written by Dr. Nick Crumpton and illustrated by Colleen Larmour, is a perfectly balanced nonfiction story book. Brown Bears follows two cubs over the first two years of their life. Each page describes how their mother protects them and teaches them how to one day live independently. There is a harmony between the narrative portions that guide the reader through the story and the nonfiction portions (in a different font) that expand upon the facts presented on the page. Similarly, the illustrations are cute and captivating without compromising the accuracy of the scenery or the harsher realities of being a bear. Though there is no shortage of picture books about bears, this would be a lovely addition to any library.

Reviewed by Ivy Burns, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


Louder Than Hunger

Louder Than HungerLouder Than Hunger by John Schu
Published by Candlewick Press on March 5, 2024
ISBN: 1536229091
Genres: Realistic Fiction, Fiction in Verse/Poetry
Format: Chapter Book Fiction

Eighth-grader Jake is tormented by The Voice in his head who tells him to eat less, exercise more, and that he is unworthy of love and undeserving of anything good. He enters an inpatient treatment program at Whispering Pines Hospital where he refuses to participate in therapy sessions and resists treatment, continuing to rely on The Voice. In addition to anorexia nervosa, Jake is also diagnosed with depression and OCD and he finds himself in a one-step-forward, two-steps-back recovery cycle set in the late 90’s. The story ends on a hopeful note as Jake truly begins healing and sends The Voice packing.

This is a powerful, heart-wrenching novel-in-verse. Reading about Jake’s struggle as he goes back and forth between progress and regression is tough, but realistic. His issues with bullying, relating to his parents, self-esteem, as well as his close relationship with his grandmother will all be points of recognition for many middle school readers. This is a book that will stay with you long after you turn the last page. 

A letter from the author checking in with his readers and recounting his own experience with anorexia is included along with resources on eating disorders. 

Grades 6-8

Recommended for Cream of the Crop.

Kerrie Lattari, York Middle School, York


My Father’s House

My Father’s HouseMy Father's House by Lindsey Yankey, Mina Javaherbin
Published by Candlewick Press ISBN: 1536225533
Genres: Adventure, Biography/Autobiography
Format: Picture Book Fiction
My Father’s House by Mina Javaherbin is a gentle, slice-of-life autobiography that will be enjoyed by all families. We follow Mina as her father guides us to his family home in Isfahan, Iran. Along the way we see beautiful architecture, meet friends of many faiths, and watch this charming pair enjoy the city. When they reach her father’s house the reader is immersed into the smells, sounds, textures, and culture of the home. Lindsey Yankey, the illustrator, mixes soft, bright watercolors, fine line details, and stunning prints to make this story feel uniquely timeless. Despite the specific setting, the themes of family, food, and friendship (human & animal) are universal. Though there is nothing sleepy about this story, it would be best enjoyed snuggled with loved ones before bed.

Reviewed by Ivy Burns, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth
