ISBN: 0593704193
Format: Picture Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

Showers tells a relatable story set in Afronia, land of the Afro unicorns. Divine, who wants to “make a splash” but is afraid of water, conquers her fear with the help of her fellow Afro unicorns and Uni Mermaids – all the magical creatures are bejeweled with crowned horns and fabulous hair. Many children will snatch the book off the shelf for the cover art alone but the story will keep them engrossed.
Divine’s friends use practical steps (such as blowing bubbles in the water) to help her overcome her fear. She learns that with the help of supportive friends and belief in one’s self, one can do challenging things.
For children who may be hesitant around the water, especially in Maine, where swimming feels like a necessary life skill, this story and the way it is told, feels important. Showers, the author and founder of Afro Unicorns, has created the Learn to Swim AU initiative to service communities plagued by a lack of access to pools and proper instruction. There are no (as of today) such initiatives active in Maine.
Highly recommended for public and school library collections.
Reviewed by Deanna Contrino, SLMS/MLIS, Young School Librarian, Saco