ISBN: 0593377613
Genres: Humor
Format: Picture Book Fiction
Source: MSL Book Review

“Gift and Box” is a picture book written by Ellen Mayer and illustrated by Brizida Magro. Grandma is sending her granddaughter a gift through the mail, so she puts Gift into Box to be able to ship them. Together they are a Package. The story follows their journey as Box protects Gift. Gift is occasionally worried and impatient, but Box is calm and confident. The illustrations are a colorful and bright collage style, with Box and Gift having big cartoony eyes and faces. Children who have gone on a long trip will understand how Gift feels. The ending of the book is cute and happy, and is NOT the end of Box and Gift’s friendship. Written for ages 3 to 5, this is a recommended purchase for picture book collections.
Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ME.