Published by Candlewick Press on March 29, 2022
ISBN: 1536211516
Pages: 32
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Picture Book Fiction

A biracial, same-sex couple lives with their one child, and the story begins detailing many of their usual routines. The difference is that Mommy has gone on a work trip, so all the things they normally do as a threesome are being done as a duo. Mama and child talk about missing Mommy, and they connect with her on video chats. When Mommy finally comes home, the young girl isn’t immediately happy. Her parents help her process her emotions, and the story ends with a happy family of three.
This is a sweet and gentle story about family and emotions. It is refreshing to see how the child isn’t instantly happy about her Mommy’s return—she missed her a lot, and all those emotions are hard to process. Any readers who are intermittently separated from a parent will connect with the young girl’s emotions and longing. The mixed media illustrations are beautiful and really bring the story to life. They help to convey the activities the family does but they also bring movement and reality to all the emotions felt during the story. Recommended for one-on-one reading with readers 4 and up.
Recommended for Cream of the Crop. Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME