ISBN: 0593122801
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Humor
Format: Picture Book Fiction

We often fear what we don’t know, so knowledge with a bit of humor thrown in can reassure most of us, especially when we find out the object of our fear is often more afraid of us than we of it! Engaging ‘facts’ in 10 ‘chapters’ describe and explain monsters in the most kid-friendly way. The reader learns about their diet, activities, habitats, and even their fears!
Full of silly, colorful illustrations, graphs, side bars, charts, the opening endpaper shows a scientific-looking graph that actually identifies the chapters. The last page offers a “Monstronomy Diploma” for successfully finishing this ‘course’ and identifies the reader now as a ‘Monster Scientist.’ Format lends itself to either reading through or skipping around, but busy pages encourage taking time to scour the illustrations.
A fearful child could be encouraged to identify ‘their’ monster’s attributes throughout this book, and if not found, could make their own little book showing and describing their own monster. If monsters aren’t your thing, you might be interested in the author’s 2019 book “Unicorns 101.”
Reviewed by Lynn Mayer, Retired Librarian, Old Town Elementary School, Old Town