Published by Blue Dot Kids Press on May 12, 2020
ISBN: 1733121242
Pages: 30
Format: Picture Book Fiction

If you had to move to a different country and you could take one suitcase in which to pack your favorite things – what would you take? this is what faces a small girl when her parents present her with a suitcase and tell her to pack her most favorite things. How do you pack your favorite tree, your favorite bus driver, the wooden chair your grandfather made you, your aquarium and your best friend! So, she packs what she needs and sets out to putting her other treasures into bottles and tosses them into the ocean- that is both where she lives now and where she is going to live. they haven’t arrived yet, but she can wait! We can’t always “carry ” things with us physically, but through our memories we can take our favorite things with us wherever we go. Illustrations are simple, straightforward, detailed in grays with some color to accent an item or feeling support the simple text . Use this quiet, thoughtful book with discussions on what you would carry in your suitcase if you had to move and what you would “carry” in your heart and soul. Gr K-4 Submitted by Kathy George, Gray Public Library, Gray, Maine