Published by Candlewick Press on February 11, 2020
ISBN: 0763683949
Pages: 48
Genres: Animals
Format: Picture Book Fiction

The cover may draw readers to try this book; some will relate to the self-absorbed, arrogant ant, some will find humor in his disagreeable state, such as when he says, “Where the jalapeño am I!?” The story has irregular arcs and at times the reader may wonder where the story is leading. After reading, the reader may wonder where the story went.
Pastel illustrations in a variety of layouts have mostly desert-yellow with a vast sky mirroring the ‘lost’ feeling of the ant. The ant and fly have very buggy eyes, and the surprise spider appearing at the end is sufficiently weird.
This book could be used as a read aloud, if you don’t mind the near-swears (such as above). Was the ant lost because he was mean or was he mean because he was lost? Discussion would be easy to lead about friendship, kindness, self-awareness.
Reviewed by Lynn Mayer, Retired Librarian, Old Town Elementary School, Old Town