Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle

Mama and Mommy and Me in the MiddleMama and Mommy and Me in the Middle by Kaylani Juanita, Nina LaCour
Published by Candlewick Press on March 29, 2022
ISBN: 1536211516
Pages: 32
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Picture Book Fiction

A biracial, same-sex couple lives with their one child, and the story begins detailing many of their usual routines. The difference is that Mommy has gone on a work trip, so all the things they normally do as a threesome are being done as a duo. Mama and child talk about missing Mommy, and they connect with her on video chats. When Mommy finally comes home, the young girl isn’t immediately happy. Her parents help her process her emotions, and the story ends with a happy family of three.

This is a sweet and gentle story about family and emotions. It is refreshing to see how the child isn’t instantly happy about her Mommy’s return—she missed her a lot, and all those emotions are hard to process. Any readers who are intermittently separated from a parent will connect with the young girl’s emotions and longing. The mixed media illustrations are beautiful and really bring the story to life. They help to convey the activities the family does but they also bring movement and reality to all the emotions felt during the story. Recommended for one-on-one reading with readers 4 and up.

Recommended for Cream of the Crop. Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


Oona and the Shark

Oona and the SharkOona and the Shark by Kelly DiPucchio, Raissa Figueroa
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on March 22, 2022
ISBN: 0063071428
Pages: 32
Genres: Adventure, Animals
Format: Picture Book Fiction

Oona is back for another adventure, and this time she’s determined to befriend a shark named Stanley. She tries all her tricks — inventions, excitement, and parties! Turns out, Stanley doesn’t like noise. He prefers peace and quiet. Once Oona realizes this, she’s quick to figure out a way to connect with Stanley.

This is a great book for learning that everyone has different likes and dislikes, and that’s ok! Oona is stubborn at first, but soon realizes that Stanley just need a gentler approach. The digitally rendered illustrations are colorful, and beautifully depict a fantastical underwater world. Recommended for readers 4 and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


A Spoonful of Frogs

A Spoonful of FrogsA Spoonful of Frogs by Casey Lyall, Vera Brosgol
Published by Greenwillow Books on July 19, 2022
ISBN: 0062890298
Pages: 40
Genres: Humor
Format: Picture Book Fiction

A modern, young witch hosts a TV cooking show, “Bewitching Kitchen!”, and the featured recipe is Frog Soup. However, the last ingredient, a spoonful of frogs, are not cooperative. Instead they lead the witch on a chase around the kitchen, through the town, and eventually into a pond! Back in the kitchen, the battered witch advices that pickles are an acceptable substitute for frogs. A hilarious story in which Brosgol’s comic book-style digital illustrations adds much to a story that uses few words. In fact, if the reader does not pay attention to the pictures, they may miss much of the story. For this reason, a guided reading would make this a good choice for Story Time, especially at Halloween.

Reviewed by Barb Rehmeyer, Liberty Library


Tell Me a Lion Story

Tell Me a Lion StoryTell Me a Lion Story by Kara Kramer
Published by Candlewick Press on May 10, 2022
ISBN: 1536218014
Pages: 40
Genres: Humor
Format: Picture Book Fiction

A young girl asks her father to tell her a story about a lion. Soon the child corrects her dad and adds details of her own. Eventually the story turns into an interactive one in which the readers/listeners are invited to fill in their own details. Children will be delighted in this Mad-Libs like game which also builds on the art of storytelling. Easily used for one-to-one reading but would also serve well as a share for Story Time. While I thought the format of the book is imaginative, the illustrations were average, albeit humorous.

Reviewed by Barb Rehmeyer, Liberty Library


Trucks on Trucks

Trucks on TrucksTrucks on Trucks by Nik Henderson, Sorche Fairbank
Published by Greenwillow Books on May 17, 2022
ISBN: 0062842099
Pages: 40
Format: Picture Book Fiction

Truck fans rejoice! This is a fun and quick read for those who love all things truck. “…Red truck on blue truck. Old truck on new truck.” The rhyming text pairs perfectly with the illustrations that convey the stacked trucks. It makes a great read aloud as the text is simple with just one sentence per page, and kids will love seeing all the different kinds of trucks. The mixed media art will delight readers and is full of bright colors and whimsical details. Recommended for truck lovers ages 3 and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog Take an Evening Stroll

Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog Take an Evening StrollBig Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog Take An Evening Stroll by Britta Teckentrup
Published by Prestel Junior on May 10, 2022
ISBN: 3791375199
Pages: 32
Genres: Adventure, Animals
Format: Picture Book Fiction

Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog are on their way home. Little Hedgehog keeps noticing reasons to stop along the way, but Big Hedgehog is anxious to keep moving. Despite Big Hedgehog’s desire to keep moving, they oblige Little Hedgehog’s wishes to watch the sun set, observe the moon, say goodnight to the frogs, and so on.

This is a gentle story that reminds us to stop and notice everyday things we may otherwise miss. The paper collage and digital illustrations are colorful and help bring the hedgehogs’ adventures to life. There is a fair amount of text, so this is best as a one-on-one share or a read aloud for older kids. Recommended for readers 4 and up.

Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


A Mouthful of Minnows

A Mouthful of MinnowsA Mouthful of Minnows by John Hare
Published by Greenwillow Books on May 10, 2022
ISBN: 0063093227
Pages: 40
Genres: Animals, Humor
Format: Picture Book Fiction

Alphonso loves to fish. Alphonso is an alligator snapping turtle. He sets off to find breakfast, but he’s thwarted by an adorable group of minnow and their grandmother. What starts as a hunt for Alphonso turns into a kind hearted gesture towards new friends.

This is a fun, funny, and sweet story. While unlikely to ever occur in the natural world, the kindness that Alphonso shows to his new school of friends is adorable. The acrylic paint illustrations really add to the story as Alphonso’s face is full of emotions. The back pages talk more about alligator snapping turtles and their unique tongues and fishing techniques.

Recommended for readers 3 and up and for Cream of the Crop. Reviewed by Jessie Trafton, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, ME


Alone Like Me

Alone Like MeAlone Like Me by Rebecca Evans
Published by Anne Schwartz Books on May 3, 2022
ISBN: 0593181921
Pages: 40
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Picture Book Fiction

Alone Like Me is the story of a young girl in China who, due to the húkŏu system, is unable to attend school and must go to work with her parents. She is teased at the playground because of the stigma attached to those unable to pay for school, and is lonely. The illustrations are beautiful watercolors in shades of blue, except for Lìlíng, who has a vibrant red coat. When she spots a girl in a yellow coat, she’s intrigued and through some ingenuity they begin to communicate from the balconies of their apartments. While Alone Like Me can be read as a story of loneliness and eventual friendship, it also describes the situation for many families who are experiencing inequalities due to being shut out of social services. Written by an American who traveled and researched China while adopting her son, this book provides excellent insight of this particular social registration structure and its effect on many children.

Reviewed by Sarah Maciejewski, Patten Free Library, Bath


Maisy Goes on a Nature Walk

Maisy Goes on a Nature WalkMaisy Goes on a Nature Walk by Lucy Cousins
Published by Candlewick Press on April 12, 2022
ISBN: 1536224243
Pages: 32
Genres: Adventure
Format: Picture Book Fiction

This picture book takes the reader on a journey with Maisy and her friends as they go on a nature walk. The colorful illustrations show the reader all the different things they encounter along the way. This book promotes friendship and teamwork and exploration. This would make a good read-aloud for younger kids.

Reviewed by Erin Scott, MSAD 75, Woodside


Jigsaw: Mystery in the Mall

Jigsaw: Mystery in the MallJigsaw: Mystery in the Mail by Bob Graham
Published by Candlewick Press on July 5, 2022
ISBN: 1536224995
Pages: 40
Genres: Mystery
Format: Picture Book Fiction

A family gets a mysterious jigsaw puzzle in the mail by an anonymous sender. The family opens the jigsaw puzzle box and decides to work on the puzzle together. Sadly, one of the jigsaw pieces goes missing and the family members must investigate and find the missing jigsaw piece.

This book misses its mark when trying to introduce young readers to the concept of mystery. Readers are aware where the jigsaw piece is hiding, which loses the mystery aspect. Also, readers do not discover the identity of the anonymous sender which leaves readers with no closure at the end. The watercolor and ink illustrations do help readers follow the plot of the story. There might be a demand for this book because of the popularity of the author, but there are definitely better books that introduce young readers to the genre of mystery.

Reviewed by Brandon Dyer, Auburn Public Library
