Being a Dog: A Tail of Mindfulness

Being a Dog: A Tail of MindfulnessBeing a Dog: A Tail of Mindfulness by Maria Gianferrari, Pete Oswald
Published by HarperCollins on April 5, 2022
ISBN: 0063067919
Pages: 40
Genres: Animals
Format: Picture Book Fiction

“Being a Dog: A Tail of Mindfulness” is a picture book about being in the moment. Written by Maria Gianferrari and Pete Oswald, the book is written in a bright and fun style, almost like a collage. The book uses the concept of being a dog to introduce kids to the idea of living in the moment and how to express our emotions and stay mindful. The story uses simple words and flows from one illustration to another. The end of the book has instructions for going on a mindful walk, but it crams a lot of words in and the flow is less smooth than the rest of the book. Useful as an introduction to mindfulness, this book is not necessarily a must-buy for your collection, but kids aged 4 to 8 will enjoy pretending to be a dog and the fun illustrations by Pete Oswald (illustrator of “The Bad Seed”).

Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library


Darryl’s Dream

Darryl’s DreamDarryl's Dream by Darryl DMC McDaniels, Tristan Tait
Published by Random House Books for Young Readers on January 4, 2022
ISBN: 0593487745
Pages: 32
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Picture Book Fiction

After a difficult day at school Darryl questions his value and appearance. As Darryl’s mother said “what’s important is that you like yourself and you stay true to who you are”. Following a dream, Darryl both stands up for himself and wins the adoration of his classmates when he performs a hip hop poem. McDaniels provides a strong character who learns to stand up for himself and others; this is such a valuable lesson to all children. The illustrations are bright and somewhat comic in appearance. The intended audience of K-grade 2 will appreciate the story line and the illustrations. It is interesting however that the bully is the tallest child and that the nerd wears glasses. Add this to primary school media centers and to classroom collections.

Reviewed by Jan Hamilton, Retired Youth Services Librarian


‘Twas the Night Before Pride

‘Twas the Night Before Pride'Twas the Night Before Pride by Joanna McClintick, Juana Medina
Published by Candlewick Press on May 10, 2022
ISBN: 1536213438
Pages: 32
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Picture Book Fiction

In this take on the Clement Moore poem, debut author McClintick captures the joy and excitement felt by LGBTQIA+ people as they prepare for the day in the month of June when they can join together in celebration of all that they are. Shown through the lens of one youngster and their family as they make preparations for the Pride parade and also as they reflect on the reasons that Pride is celebrated in the month of June. The text is mostly constructed of rhyming couplets and the flow and meter are well-done. From the cover, bursting with rainbow joy, to the endpapers, to the exuberant and detailed illustrations inside, Medina flawlessly crafts a pictorial narrative to accompany McClintick’s text. This is a book that belongs in every collection and one that will help explain the importance of Pride celebrations.
Recommended for: Grades K-5

Reviewed by Jill O’Connor, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


Once Upon a Forest

Once Upon a ForestOnce Upon a Forest by Pam Fong
Published by Random House Studio on February 8, 2022
ISBN: 0593380142
Pages: 40
Genres: Animals, Realistic Fiction
Format: Picture Book Fiction

The story of an unidentified furry animal who lives with their bird in the woods, pleasantly gardening in silence until they see smoke on the horizon and a helicopter arrive to quickly quash the danger of a forest fire. So off they go, with their bird friend and some seedlings to assess the damage. Through wordless communication, they clear the burnt trees and protect the seedlings over months of inclement weather and hungry woodland creatures, until there are new trees where the old ones burned. Going back home with their wagon, they arrive only to see a whiff of familiar smoke in the air. The reader is left to guess what they do next.

This art requires no words, the pictures are intricate and soft line drawings with color reserved for the new plant growth that appears throughout the book and adds to the gentle nature of the story. The protagonist and their bird friend are determined and single-minded in their goals. It is a story of small success and one that is both timely and a good reminder of the ways in which acts of kindness and environmental awareness can start with you. Good for anyone learning how to read a graphic novel, or for an environmentally-minded child (or adult).

Recommended for: PreK-grade 1

Reviewed by Mary Randall, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth



TractorTractor by Sally Sutton, Brian Lovelock
Published by Candlewick Press on August 9, 2022
ISBN: 1536225045
Pages: 32
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Picture Book Fiction

Tractor by Sally Sutton is a worthwhile addition to the construction and wheels picture books in Sally Sutton’s repertoire. Provides a detailed overview of the myriad roles of a tractor during planting. Lovelock’s illustrations are bright and the double-page spreads will appeal during a read aloud. It is a solid supplement to the collection of a library that has a young audience appreciative of vehicles and a nice introduction to the young reader curious to learn more.

Audience: PreK-grade 1

Reviewed by Mary Randall, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


No Bunnies Here!

No Bunnies Here!No Bunnies Here! by Tammi Sauer, Ross Burach
Published by Doubleday Books for Young Readers on February 8, 2022
ISBN: 0593181352
Pages: 32
Genres: Animals, Humor
Format: Picture Book Fiction

An exuberant tale of a bunny trying to keep a wolf away from their friends for fear of being eaten up, when in reality all the wolf wanted was to join in the fun as a bunny fan. This book is busy. Busy with text, with illustrations, and with jokes. The bunny continues to be thwarted by weather, or just oblivious fellow bunnies as they try to continue the ruse that there are “no bunnies here’’ and the jokes and text are so layered on top of one another, that the meaning can get a little jumbled in delivery.
The wolf never speaks and we rely entirely on illustrations to infer his motivations, while the bunny seems to never stop talking. So, when the bunny finally runs out of excuses and asks the wolf why he is looking for bunnies, it is quite a relief. The wolf is just a fan? Well, then of course he can join in bunny festivities. Overall, a read that tries very hard to be funny and mostly succeeds.

For Grades K-1

Reviewed by Mary Randall, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


Not Enough Lollipops

Not Enough LollipopsNot Enough Lollipops by Megan Maynor, Micah Player
Published by Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers on February 8, 2022
ISBN: 0593372565
Pages: 40
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Picture Book Fiction

When Alice wins a raffle prize: a wagon full of lollipops, students in her school worry that there might not be enough to go around. Alice assures them there will be plenty of lollipops, but her classmates continue to explain why they deserve lollipops more than others. She has them line up and, sure enough, there are enough to go around. Will there be enough for everyone to get two, though? And the cycle continues. The illustrations in this book are delightful, sweet and colorful like the lollipops themselves; each expression on each child is evocative and unique. The font and speech bubbles, the way the pictures all fit together, make for an entertaining ride through the moral dilemma of ‘not enough to go around.’ Overall, a fun read that weaves in morality without becoming too heavy-handed.

For grades K-1

Reviewed by Mary Randall, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth



SomewhereSomewhere by Armando Mariño, Robie H. Harris
Published by Candlewick Press on February 8, 2022
ISBN: 1536207357
Pages: 40
Genres: Adventure, Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure / General
Format: Picture Book Fiction

Somewhere is a book about a relationship between father and daughter, with brightly colored illustrations and simple text interspersing Spanish words throughout, it is a story about adventure and independence as well as the familial connection that tethers us to one another. 

The text tries to capture the cadence of a small girl and does so well enough. The pictures are where the book shines, with bright splashes of color and a whimsy in the way the girl encounters the natural world, this would be a fun book to read to someone sitting on the reader’s lap. It is unclear how much of the book is meant to be metaphor versus an actual journey the protagonist went on before returning to her father, but a good story nonetheless. 

Reviewed by Mary Randall, Children’s Librarian, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth


While You’re Sleeping

While You’re SleepingWhile You're Sleeping by John Broadley, Mick Jackson
Published by Pavilion Children's on September 3, 2020
ISBN: 1843654652
Pages: 40
Format: Picture Book Fiction
This picture book takes readers through what happens when most of us are fast asleep. There are people working throughout the night baking, cleaning public transit, and driving delivery trucks. Doctors and nurses are taking care of the sick and firefighters are keeping us safe. Babies are up needing to be fed, animals are out and about. And when we wake in the morning to begin our day, the night time workers are headed off to sleep.

The pen and ink illustrations in this book steal the show. The soft color palette and dot and line patterns are mesmerizing and offer an incredible amount of detail. Some British terms such as “lorries” may need to be explained to young readers.

Ages 4-7

Kerrie Lattari, York Middle School, York


Me and Ms. Too

Me and Ms. TooMe and Ms. Too by Laura Ruby, Thi Hanh Dung Ho
Published by HarperCollins US on June 1, 2022
ISBN: 0062894331
Pages: 32
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Format: Picture Book Fiction
Molly and her Dad were happy living alone together before Ms. Too came to live with them.  Ms. Too was the Children’s Librarian;  Molly’s father fell in love with her and they got married.  Molly has to adjust to living with her now and sharing Dad.  Suddenly, everything  has changed, the house, the alone time with Dad.  Life is now different. Molly can not find anything  good about this situation.

However, one day, Ms. Too asked for her help to bake cookies.  This was the moment that Molly realized that Ms. Too was okay after all. The  threat of sharing her Dad disappeared and all it took was a  heart shaped cookie and a loving affirmation.

This is such a good story for a child dealing with the situation of a parent remarrying and feeling left out and dealing with adjusting to a new life and household.

The pictures are charming and detailed and the story is realistic.

Reviewed by Amy Tobalske, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook 

