ISBN: 0593647815
Genres: Holiday
Format: Picture Book Fiction

Tamales For Christmas is based on a true story about a grandmother who makes thousands of tamales to sell for money for Christmas presents. Readers will love seeing the count of tamales increase throughout the book and will have fun guessing how many tamales she ends up making (12,000!). The author and illustrator work together to pull the reader in, help them get to know the grandmother, and feel a part of the family too. By the end of the story, readers will be looking forward to the holidays and eager to taste tamales for themselves.
The story is a great representation of community and family: The grandmother not only uses the money she makes to buy Christmas presents for her large family but also to help neighbors in need. Even though the majority of the book is about earning money to pay for Christmas presents, readers, especially adults, will appreciate the ending’s focus on family and togetherness: The family helps the grandmother make and sell the tamales and in the end tell the reader that the best present of all is each other. A unique aspect of the book is the author’s note about the inspiration for the book from his own grandmother, including her picture, and her recipe for tamales. This would make a great addition to any collection, especially if you’re seeking more diverse Christmas stories for K-3. Four stars.
Reviewed by Katy Jones, Gardiner Area High School Library, Gardiner