Published by Candlewick Press ISBN: 0763698342
Genres: Adventure, Realistic Fiction
Format: Picture Book Fiction

“”The Stars Just Up the Street,” is a sweetly told picture book about a Mabel who loved to watch the 37 stars she could count from her backyard. When Mabel shares this fact with Grandpa, he recalls memories of his own childhood in the prairies where he was able to view thousands of stars. Grandpa and Mabel climb the hill “just up the street” where Mabel is able to count 103 stars. On their walk through town, Mabel had noticed that many houses and porches were brightly lit! Mabel then has an idea. “Maybe people would turn off their lights! But The townspeople protest until Mabel is to convince them ( all but the mayor, that is) to all come outside and see for themselves. Finally she sends the mayor an email saying, “When was the last time you saw thousands of stars?” And suddenly, recalling her own childhood – “lying on a striped blanket under the darkest of summer skies, she had tried to count them all.- the mayor types back, “Let’s give it a try!”
A fun read when studying the night sky. Pastel watercolors lend an air of nighttime and gentleness to the story about a grandfather sharing with his granddaughter.
Reviewed by Connie M. Smith, Breakwater School, Portland, ME