The Train to Impossible Places


The Train to Impossible Places is being planned as the first book in a trilogy. It’s geared for middle school, and full of fun.

The Impossible Postal Express is run by trolls and starts out at Suzy’s house in the middle of the night. The adventures begin… the train takes you to  ocean-bottom shipwrecks, to Trollville, and into space.

Suzy  sneaking on board, but Suzy  finds that she is now the Deputy Post Master . She’s in charge of deliveries, and there is an evil woman who will try to stop her, Lady Crepuscula.

The package containing a talkig snowglobe tries to get  Suzy not to deliver him.  Frederick the boy trapped in the snowglobe knows about the evil  Crepuscula, and her plans  to take over the entire Union of Impossible Places. Now Suzi has to decide to protect Frederick or  her friends.

The story is a bit Harry Potterish with some similar magic, and references to England.

Reviewed by Jeri Fitzpatrick, GNG Middle School, Gray

