Published by Kids Can Press on October 5, 2021
ISBN: 1525303333
Pages: 32
Genres: Fantasy, Humor
Format: Picture Book Fiction

“You Might Be Special!” is a picture book written by Kerri Kokias and illustrated by Marcus Cutler. The book is in the form of a quiz for the reader to answer questions to show that they are special. Each set of questions has a few that could fit a kid, but the last question is always about a mythical creature. For example, a few questions about being kind and liking rainbows are followed by “do you gallop or trot on four legs and have a horn in the center of your forehead?” The reader must not be a unicorn then.
The reader learns that they are likely not a fairy, dragon, or mermaid, among other creatures, but in the end they are still special. Bright and funny illustrations fit perfectly with the quiz structure and readers will enjoy the little funny details in each picture. The theme that everyone is special has been done before, but this is a welcome addition for picture book collections where mythical creatures and humor are popular. Aimed at ages 3 to 7, this is a worthwhile purchase.
Reviewed by Kate Radke, Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook.